Tropical Storm Pamela intensifying off the coast of Mexico

Tropical Storm Pamela has been recently designated by the National Hurricane Center and is currently forecasted to be a Category 2 hurricane, but it certainly cannot be ruled out it could be stronger. At 400 PM CDT (2100 UTC), the center of Tropical Storm Pamela was located near latitude 15.5 North, longitude 105.9 West. Pamela…

Hurricane Grace makes a catastrophic landfall in Mexico.

Satellite imagery and radar data from Mexico indicate that Grace has made landfall along the coast of Mexico near Tecolutla, Mexico, just prior to 100 AM CDT (0600 UTC). At 100 AM CDT (0600 UTC), the center of Hurricane Grace was located just inland near latitude 20.6 North, longitude 97.2 West. Grace is moving toward…

Tropical Storm Fred is named in the Atlantic Ocean

The National Hurricane Center has named Potential Tropical Cyclone 06L to Tropical Storm Fred in the Atlantic Ocean. Maximum sustained winds are near 40 mph (65 km/h) with higher gusts. Slight strengthening is forecast overnight before Fred reaches eastern Dominican Republic Wednesday morning. Some weakening is likely while the system interacts with Hispaniola on Wednesday.…

Potential Tropical Cyclone 06L in the Atlantic Ocean

Potential Tropical Cyclone 06L has a high chance of formation in the Atlantic and is expected to become the next Atlantic tropical cyclone. The system is forecast to become a tropical storm as it moves through the Leeward Islands tonight, and tropical storm conditions are possible there.

Multiple Storms in the Western Pacific

The Western Pacific is currently blowing up in activity with multiple Tropical Depressions and Tropical Storms active. Lupit and 15W are Tropical Storms are active. 12W and 14W (GorioPH) remains a Low Pressure Area system by unofficial KST estimates. Here is a quick overview for all Tropical Cyclones Tropical Depression 12W 12W remains a Low…


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